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About Sèn



Welcome and thank you for taking the time to read this. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Sanne, I am 25 years old and I am from the Netherlands. I enjoyed being a flight attendant for about six years, yet I chose to quit my job, follow my dreams and travel. So for a year now, I have been travelling around the world, mostly solo. I started in Mexico and ended in Australia where I will be staying until June 2024. During my trip I had countless adventures, got to experience different cultures, was pushed out of my comfort zone many times, and best of all, I met so many amazing people who will forever have a place in my heart. During my trip one of the things I realised is that it is  much more important to me who I am spending time with, rather than what I am doing, which is how I came up with the idea of The Friendship Journal.


The Friendship Journal features personal, deep and funny travel questions that you get your new friends to answer. The end result will be a book full of  details and memories, making it, in my opinion, the most beautiful souvenir you could ever have. I have designed the book with a lot of love and am extremely proud of the final result. The Friendship Journal is a must-have for anyone going travelling.

Finally, I would like to encourage you to really follow your dreams, especially when it comes to travelling. The experience will give you so much more than you could possibly imagine before you go. There are always reasons not to do something, so just focus on the reasons why you should. In my experience, it is the things you don't do that you regret the most.  Please don't be afraid to travel solo, it can be challenging sometimes but it's such an adventure and you will meet so many amazing people, I promise you.

Much love,

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